What You & Your Child Can Expect from Montessori Schooling

Education & Development Articles

Are you thinking about sending your child to a Montessori school? Here are just a few awesome things you and your little one can expect from this program:

An Independent Environment

Because Montessori schools tailor their environments to the specific characteristics of the children who attend them, a structure is created that helps kids learn how to address their own personal needs and make their own decisions without fear of negative consequences. Children can enjoy participating in activities of their choice to develop a sense of independence and self-worth.

They'll also learn how to work and play with other kids in a positive way—even when disagreements and stressful situations occur. The day will be spent interacting with others who may have slightly different outlooks on life, which will help them identify their own unique characteristics.

Stimulating Activities

In Montessori school, your child can expect to participate in a variety of stimulating activities that interest them instead of having to solely work through a lesson plan that's universal. Through the use of things like puzzles, art projects, sand play, and dancing, your child will learn valuable skills that they can use throughout their lifetime without feeling bored, pressured, or out of their realm. While there is some streamlined curricular that will be presented to your child, they will have the freedom to pick and choose which activities they participate in throughout much of the day which allows them to tailor their education in a way that meets their specific needs and expectations.

Healthy Meals and Interactive Meal Times

Montessori schools skip the cafeteria-style lunch sessions, and opt for interactive meals in the classroom instead. At lunch time, the kids transform their classrooms into small restaurants by making tables out of their desks and placing real glass plates and cups along with silverware on them.

Fresh, healthy food comprised of plenty of vegetables, whole grains, and clean proteins is then served so the kids can enjoy a meal together in a stress-free and relaxing atmosphere. Because real dishes are used, your child has an opportunity to master their motor skills through trial and error. And the healthy meals they enjoy every day will make it more likely that they'll be satisfied eating whole foods at home.

Lots of Parental Interaction

The Montessori school philosophy includes making sure that parents play a significant role in their children's education, so you can expect a lot of interaction between yourself and the school's staff throughout the school season. You'll have meetings with teachers and counselors, you'll have an opportunity to participate in school plays and other functions, and you can visit the school to have lunch with your child or to simply observe anytime you want to. If you have the time, you can even work as a teacher's aide and help manage the different activities kids participate in throughout their school day.  

The Opportunity to Enhance Life Skills

Some of the activities available at Montessori schools are designed to teach children life skills that they can develop and utilize through their entire lifetimes. Personal hygiene, letter writing, and gardening are just a few of the activities that will likely be available to your little one while attending school. In addition to life skill activities, Montessori staff work hard to create an environment that requires cooperation and problem solving, which ensures that kids learn how to interact with other people even when they have different outlooks on life. Getting along with others from different backgrounds is a crucial life skill that will help ensure that your child has success in their future relationships as an adult.


20 December 2016

Improving Education At Home

After my children started school, I knew that I had to do something to improve their comprehension. I started slowly by working with them with their homework, and then I slowly gravitated towards working with them to master the core concepts they were learning in school. It was a lot of work, but my efforts really paid off. After about three months, my children's teachers were reporting improved grades and better mastery of most of the core concepts. This blog is here to help other parents to know how to improve their own child's education so that they can enjoy a happier life.