
A Healing Touch: The Benefits of Nonprofit Support for Children with Medical Conditions

Education & Development Blog

When a child is diagnosed with a medical condition, it can be a challenging time for both the child and their family. However, nonprofit organizations across the globe are stepping up to provide much-needed support. These organizations offer an array of benefits that go beyond medical treatment, helping to improve the quality of life for these children and their families. 1. Financial Assistance Medical treatments can be exorbitantly expensive, putting a significant financial strain on families.

9 August 2023

Why Preschool Is An Opportunity For Childhood Development

Education & Development Blog

Parents rightly focus on their children's development. Sending kids to preschool is frequently a big part of this process. However, making the leap can be tough, especially if you're unsure about the development opportunities. Children can gain the following four developmental benefits from preschool.  Sensory Activities Young children are sensory sponges, and going to school offers them the chance to soak up more input. Especially in a Montessori setting, a kid gets the chance to engage all of their senses.

6 February 2023

Why Going To Daycare Is Ideal For A Child

Education & Development Blog

If you want to return to work but do not like the idea of taking your child to a babysitter's private home, taking them to a daycare center might be the resolution. The reason is that your child will be in a building with other children and more than one adult, which can make you feel more relieved about their safety. Your child will participate in various activities and learning experiences that could prepare them for kindergarten.

2 May 2022

Parent Participation, Daycare, And Your Child's Development

Education & Development Blog

How can you participate in your child's early education? Even though daycare teachers are the experts, parents also play important roles in the child's first years of learning. Take a look at what you need to know about your part in the childhood education equation. Is Participation Really Important? According to a study published in the journal Child Development, parental involvement can positively impact social skills and decrease behavior problems as children age.

2 December 2020

How You Can Use Daycare To Ready Your Little One For School

Education & Development Blog

If your child is too young to go to school but you want to do what you can to get them ready, you can use daycare to your advantage. Daycare can be beneficial in helping your young child get the most out of their early years and prepare them for socialization and learning in a traditional classroom at the same time. Learn how you can use daycare to get your little one ready for school.

2 December 2020

Fantastic Tips For Day One Of Day Care

Education & Development Blog

When you are going to be sending your wee little one off to daycare for the first time, you want to make that transition as easy as possible on everyone in the household. There are some things you can do that will make the transition a lot easier and you can learn about some of them right here: Start on the schedule a week ahead of time By the time the first day of daycare comes, you want to know that the morning is going to go off without a hitch.

3 September 2018

What You & Your Child Can Expect from Montessori Schooling

Education & Development Articles

Are you thinking about sending your child to a Montessori school? Here are just a few awesome things you and your little one can expect from this program: An Independent Environment Because Montessori schools tailor their environments to the specific characteristics of the children who attend them, a structure is created that helps kids learn how to address their own personal needs and make their own decisions without fear of negative consequences.

20 December 2016

Tips To Prepare You For College

Education & Development Articles

Whether you are fresh out of high school or are starting college after a long absence, preparing yourself for the journey ahead will help you gain the most from the experience. Spend a few weeks developing a strategy to prepare yourself for the academic challenge. Brush Up On Fundamental Concepts When possible, you should consider spending a few weeks before the semester starts enrolling in college preparatory work. These courses may be offered through private organizations or by your college.

13 December 2016

Tips For Easing Teen Anxieties Before Driving Lessons

Education & Development Articles

When the time comes to teach your teen to drive, it's normal to feel some level of anxiety. After all, with more than 2,000 teens killed in car accidents in 2013, it's natural for parents to worry. What you may be surprised to find is that your teen could also be suffering with anxiety over the process. If you talk with your child and he or she seems worried, there are a few things that you can do to help.

7 December 2016

3 Common Preschool Philosophies And How To Choose Between Them

Education & Development Articles

When you were growing up, you may or may not have gone to preschool, but chances are that if you did, your parents just chose a preschool that was convenient to their location or that their friends had children in as well. And if you didn't go to preschool, the odds are that it didn't make much – or any – difference to your overall school career. In today's educational system, however, not only are there a wider variety of preschool programs to choose from, the choice is more important than it used to be.

7 December 2016