Warrior Scholars: Online University For Active Military


Since the creation of the GI Bill after WWII, military veterans have been guaranteed a chance to earn a college degree for their service to their country. For the majority of the GI Bill's existence, however, active military members had to wait to attend college until after their service ended. With the advent of online learning, this has changed drastically.

Here are just a few of the features you should look for if you want to earn a degree online while serving active duty in the military.

Self-Designed Major

One of the most frustrating aspects of pursuing a degree online can be feeling like you're settling on a major that might not quite fit your military experience and/or your career goals.

Some of the top online programs offer majors that can be customized to suit both very specific or very broad career paths. For instance, if you received leadership training in the military and want to pursue a career in secondary education but you aren't quite sure in what subject, an online school might offer you general education courses until you figure out what subject(s) you might want to teach.

Credits for Military Training

The training you receive in the military can sometimes directly translate to a career you might pursue when your tour of duty is finished.

If you received specialized technical training in the military, some online schools will offer you credits for this training if it directly relates to your chosen major. For instance, if you received training in cybersecurity in the military and want to major in computer science, an online school might offer you credit for the cybersecurity and/or network courses required by your major. Offering credits for the training you already received can accelerate your path to earning a degree and help ensure that you won't have to slog through boring classes as a formality.

Self-Paced Learning

When duty calls, your priorities must change. The best online colleges understand that active military members sometimes need to cut themselves off from just about everything else in their lives.

Rather than having a start and end date for an online course, a self-paced learning cohort allows students to complete coursework when their schedule allows. Thus, the semester model of learning changes to suit your availability. This can be crucial for active military members when/if they become deployed.

For more information on your options, contact a resource like the University of Maryland University College


14 December 2019

Improving Education At Home

After my children started school, I knew that I had to do something to improve their comprehension. I started slowly by working with them with their homework, and then I slowly gravitated towards working with them to master the core concepts they were learning in school. It was a lot of work, but my efforts really paid off. After about three months, my children's teachers were reporting improved grades and better mastery of most of the core concepts. This blog is here to help other parents to know how to improve their own child's education so that they can enjoy a happier life.